
Want Your Home or Office to Be Cleaned?

House Cleaning Service
San Francisco

  • Trusted Results
  • Strong Waranty
  • Free Consultation
  • Quality materials
  • Experienced Contractors

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    What Our Clients Say:

    All The Projects & Clients Are Special To Us!

    Experience The Quality Cleaning!

    We combine years of experience with a professionally trained staff who use eco-friendly products. Our house cleaning rates help homeowners & renters get quality service at the best possible price.

    Benefits Of a Professional

    Residential and Commercial Cleaning Service.

    A clean home will help your family function better. Kids thrive on routine, discipline, and structure which we can help you create with our cleaning schedules.

    Professional Staff
    Most cleaning professionals welcome financial appreciation beyond their fees

    Save Money
    The average American family spends more than $600 a year on cleaning supplies. You can spend the same or less on a cleaning service contract.

    Personal Wellbeing & Fulfillment
    A clean home reduces stress and resentment and returns your home to the oasis you need it to be.

    Fewer Sick Days
    A healthy workforce will ensure better productivity and fewer sick days leading to an increase in employee job satisfaction and increased performance.

    Protect Your Possessions & Investment
    A cleaner home will protect your valuables from wear and give your home longevity.

    Indoor Air Quality
    The EPA says that indoor air is in the top five of the most polluted in our environment. Regular cleaning services help mitigate dust and allergens.

    Cleaning Tools Matter
    Professional house cleaners have the right tools to ensure a deeper and more thorough clean.

    Chemical Concerns
    A U.S. Nurses Health Study found that harsh chemicals account for increased chronic lung diseases. We use health-minded products for optimum safety.

    Who We Service

    Professional Quality Cleaning Commercial & Residential With a Personal Touch.

    Residential Cleaning Service

    We combine years of experience with a professionally trained staff who use eco-friendly products. Our house cleaning rates help homeowners and renters get quality service at the best possible price. Whether you’re looking for a one-time home cleaning service or a recurring contract cleaning service, we have a solution for you.

    Our homes are well lived in, as they should be, but they don’t have to look that way. While not a pleasant topic; your home is full of dust, bacteria, and chemicals that can wreak havoc on your health. Of the many dust particles in your home, studies show that 70%-80% of that is dead skin cells. Professional carpet cleaning is one way of having a clean home.

    Queen & Clear Royal Cleaning is not just a cleaning business, but a partner in your day to day health and wellbeing. Research done at Indiana University revealed that organization and clean spaces are important to our overall wellbeing. People are more productive and have better activity levels when their home is clean.

    Commercial Cleaning Service

    Our commercial cleaning services have been tested and developed specifically for our business community. Queen & Clean Royal Cleaning customizes service plans and contracts according to the specific needs of each client. A restaurant has different cleaning needs than a dental office. Together, we work with you to determine a sanitary service plan to protect your employees and visitors.

    Our commercial office cleaning includes things like vacuuming or mopping, trash disposal, surface sanitation, deep cleaning, window cleaning, and pre or post-construction cleaning service. Don’t see a service listed? We welcome you to contact us about your specific commercial cleaning needs so we can create your plan.

    Research done by the media group, The Independent, found that office desk spaces are 400-times more contaminated with germs than a toilet seat. The best way to contain germs or bacterias is to keep the rest of your publicly used office spaces or commercial kitchen areas on a routine cleaning schedule.

    Core Services

    Where spotless cleaning comes to your door!

    Many of our clients will hire Queen & Clean Royal Cleaning only a few times a year to deep clean their homes.

    House Cleaning

    We use skilled staff to remove and eliminate thousands of dust particles and germs from your house. This includes things like surface cleaning, kitchen cleaning, laundry services, bathroom cleaning, dusting, appliance cleaning, floor cleaning, and windows. We are professional home cleaning experts who know your family’s health is in our hands.

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    Office Cleaning

    Only 31% of men and 65% of women wash their hands after using the bathroom. The health of employees and customers is at the forefront of everyone’s minds today. We tailor-make an office cleaning plan based on how your business operates and who you serve. We can offer both one-time and contract cleaning services to keep your business healthy and prosperous.

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    Deep Cleaning

    When it comes to cleaning things like grout, baseboards, inside kitchen or bath cabinets; the job is tedious. Deep house cleaning is our pleasure and we are happy to take these kinds of projects on for you. We can make these tasks a part of your regular service or add them as needed.

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    Apartment Cleaning

     For our renting friends, we know that deposits are based on how well you’ve cared for your apartment. Let our expert cleaning team ensure you get your deposit back and leave your apartment in the same condition you got it. Also, if you’re a busy professional or family, we can offer single-time or recurring cleaning services to help you stay organized and worry-free.

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    Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning

     Before you set your prized possessions down in your new home, you might want the space cleaned from top to bottom. On the other side, you might want to leave your home spic and span for the people who just bought your home. We have move-in cleaning and move-out cleaning services for both residential and commercial clients.

    Move Out Cleaning

    Move In Cleaning

    Maid Services

    Don’t let pride stand in the way of a clean home. We are all busier than ever today and we come to you with no judgment. Our maid service is exceptional and will help you focus on the important things in life like your family. Maid services can be booked as a one-time cleaning option or as a regularly scheduled cleaning contract. From bedsheets to basement floors, we have your maid cleaning service covered.

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    Why Choose Us?

    We create the perfect shine. Every time.

    Best Cleaning Services

    Best Cleaning Services

    Our customers love our cleaning services! If you’re not happy, we haven’t done our job.

    Quality Products

    Quality Products

    We only work with the best quality products in the business to ensure you receive the cleanest result.

    Affordable Pricing

    Affordable Pricing

    We believe everyone deserves a clean home, which is why we have the best prices on the market!

    15 Years Of Experience

    15 Years Of Experience

    We have 15 years of experience cleaning homes in the San Francisco area!

    Professional Staff

    Professional Staff

    Our team is fully trained and experienced to provide the highest quality results!

    Best Rating Nation Wide

    Best Rating Nation Wide

    Our company has the best ratings across the nation for our cleaning services!

    Types Of Cleaning

    So true! You can’t get your house cleaned once and for all.

    Let us know what kind of schedule you and your family work from, and we will fit our contract services into the nooks and crannies of your lifestyle.

    One Time Cleaning Service

    Many of our clients will hire Queen & Clean Royal Cleaning only a few times a year to deep clean their homes. Others hire us one-time because they’ve just gotten behind or return from a vacation and want to come home to a clean house.

    For those interested in deep cleaning services, did you know according to Good Housekeeping you should deep clean your microwave weekly? Also, the fridge needs to be cleaned every three-six months as should your oven.

    One time cleaning is also helpful for those who are expecting more people than usual in their home for a celebration, holiday, or other special occasions. Queen & Clear Royal Cleaning can come before guests arrive to ensure each room looks, feels, and smells like a hotel. When everyone packs up and leaves, have us come back and return your home to its pre-guest status.

    Our one-time cleaning service includes simple services like vacuuming or cleaning touchable surfaces, but don’t forget, we can also handle the back-breaking work of tub cleaning or the dreaded oven project you haven’t had time for. Need professional carpet or rug cleaning services in Nevada? visit our partner.

    house cleaing

    Recurring Service

    The American Cleaning Institute says Americans spend about 6-hours a week cleaning their homes. While this isn’t a “staggering” statistic, families with multiple kids will spend even more time cleaning. We ask this simple question; do you have better things to do? With six out of ten children participating in multiple activities outside the home, we know time is short these days.

    How different would your life look if you had a weekly or just a monthly house cleaning service to help you keep your home in order? Our house cleaning prices are designed to make maid services or deep cleaning services a no-brainer. We don’t believe that professional cleaning services are just for the luxury market. Everyone deserves a clean home and someone to help them with not-so-easy (and even the easiest) of home cleaning and management.

    Let us know what kind of schedule you and your family work from, and we will fit our contract services into the nooks and crannies of your lifestyle. You can let us know the types of tasks needed regularly and those that only needed a few times a year. We can structure your house cleaning service and rates to meet your life.

    A clean home will help your family function better. Kids thrive on routine, discipline, and structure which we can help you create with our cleaning schedules. Child physiologists regularly talk about the adverse impact a messy home can have on your kids. In fact, Dr. Lorin Bradbury says kids find it “easier to concentrate in a clean organized setting.”

    Because Quality Is Necessary.

    A new generation of cleaning & restoration concepts. Contact Us Right Now!

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    Home Cleaning Services

    Frequently Asked Questions

    We understand that you may have questions about home cleaning services and our company. That’s why we’ve compiled some of the most commonly asked questions that we hear from our clients. If you have any additional questions that aren’t answered here, feel free to contact us and one of our representatives can help!

    What is a deep cleaning?

    While regular cleaning is something most of us do on a day to day basis, a deep cleaning is done a few times a year. This is when our trained cleaners will cut through the built-up grit or grime in a home. This might be polishing chrome accents, pulling out and cleaning behind appliances, using additional sanitation tools, and the like.

    How much is house cleaning?

    House cleaning costs vary depending on the type of service and frequency. In San Fransisco, the minimum average cost is $126.00 per visit. On average, most families spend about $273.00, and most services max out at around $420.00. We recommend you connect with us so we can learn more about you and your family so we can put the best plan together for your budget.

    Do you tip a maid for cleaning services?

    Most cleaning professionals welcome financial appreciation beyond their fees, but this is entirely up to you. We suggest calculating how much money you spend per visit and how often you need your home or business cleaned. From there, you can determine if the fee seems higher or lower than your expectation and you can tip accordingly.

    How often should I have my home cleaned?

    We offer regular house cleaning on a weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly basis. Our team is also available for special one-time cleans. These can include move-in or move-out situations, deep cleans, new construction clean up, and occasional maintenance cleans for customers that just need a little more help. Our recommended service is every two weeks, but we will schedule according to your needs.

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    Leave us your phone number and we will get back to you ASAP!